Things learned today:

  • Bash guide from startup engineering on Coursera
  • The typical place to store custom bash scripts is usr/local/bin.
  • chmod 755 to reserve write access for the user and make executable.
  • Script created: zippy (to unzip/extract anything).
  • Auto-complete sudo and man, colorize ls and grep.
  • Benefit of using tmux (or screen) - terminal sessions become persistent until you shut down.
  • Karen in Californication - “They’re just words - I know you mean them, but I don’t know what they mean to you.”
  • Flexbox documentation - supposed to make aligning stuff easier.
  • Clearfix for positioning stubborn divs.
  • Percentage heights are tricky to use in CSS. Vertically aligning content can also be difficult.
  • jQuery Mobile makes working with layout very difficult. Alternative flipswitches here.
  • Setting and getting cookies with javascript. *Made something to help my parents pick somewhere to eat for dinner.