» Mar 1, 2019
- Netflix losing a lot of money to subscription mooching (quantified by Mechanical Turk)
- How China’s social credit system works
- Quantum computing 101
- My Grandfather Thought He Solved a Cosmic Mystery
- Make your own AlphaZero based engine
- Wealthy and miserable
- Happiness is about an expectation of positive change
- How to make the most of small talk - conversations based on observations, interests, shared experiences
- Profile of a skateboarder
- Building a community
- How the information age leads to micro targeting, the fall of higher education
- Traveling across the US by Amtrak
- Investing in the apocolypse
- Best hike in every state.
- Freddish
- Robert F Smith
- Seth Rogen - “A lot of our career is just based on not being their biggest headache.”
- Dandelion wish factory - Draw people into the experience, no spectators
- Incel Plastic Surgery - “It’s easy to look back on something and say we shouldn’t have operated,” he tells me. But screening for someone who will never be happy is difficult. “My job is not to be a psychiatrist sitting in a chair. You’re serving a need, and you don’t know the depths of that need.” … He believes each of us is actually three people: how we see ourselves, how others see us, and how we actually are.
- Someone to watch - Jacob Glanville of Distributed Bio. In 2012, at 31, Glanville took his code and left his prestigious job at Pfizer. He then founded Distributed Bio while also becoming the first Ph.D. candidate in computational immunology at Stanford University. Five years later, Glanville completed his doctorate, and business at Distributed Bio was booming. He now licenses his software and antibody library back to Pfizer and each of nine other pharmaceutical giants for around $500,000 a year and typically receives 2 percent of the profit from any drugs developed using them.
- How was he able to take his code with him? Doesn’t Pfizer own it?
- We can no longer escape the past - teenagers should have a moratorium not on experience, but on consequences. What happens if one does not have these lessons early?
- How elite athletes handle pressure - With repetition, stress can be transformed into fortitude.
» Jan 1, 2019
- Words of the day - Gamine: A girl with mischievous or boyish charm, Burnish: To improve or make something more attractive. To rub metal until it is shiny.
- Profile of Mackenzie Bezos
- English woods
- Techniques to get what you want in a negotiation might include positive small talk, light touch, offering the comfy chair, and a good smell
- Amazon liquidation boxes
- Cleaning up the garbage patch - people want a solution that does not require anyone to make a huge sacrifice.
- George Soros is a pretty good guy.
- The history of nut milk
- How to raise generous kids
- Unconventional techniques used to create a biography of Lyndon B Johnson
- Programming zines
- Ketamine for use in treating suicidal ideation
- Using AI to create seasoning
- China’s massive new silk road infrastructure project
- Topic of conversation when travelling: Netflix
- Shawn Achor - Cognitive afterimage. Book: The Happiness Advantage
- Museum of Pocket Art - The Museum of Pocket Art began fifteen years ago with an idea that everyone should carry with them a small artwork in a pocket to enrich their day and share with others.
- Karl Lagerfeld - “It’s chic, huh?” Brad said. “Yes, perfect for Dubai,” Lagerfeld said.
- Pain is the fuel of addiction
- Speaking a language idiomatically is very valuable because people sort others into “us” and “not us”.
- “You think people start losing their mental ability when they get older. Nobody got a chance to say that about Buster. Buster, to the very end, seemed to be playing better than he had in 20 years.” “He gave everybody the same amount of respect and then he’d beat you.”
- Frame the weekend like a vacation to be happier - stay present in the moment.
- How to be successful according to Sam Altman
- Word of the day - Apotheosis: The highest point in the development of something.
- Coffee rust is going to make growing coffee in Latin America impossible
- “Intelligence, it has been said, is the ability to hold two opposing ideas at the same time and still function” - Source
- Modern Meditation
- Smell Expert - “smell memory kits” to preserve event
- Is alkaline water BS?
- PLants
- Jigsaw mashups
- Tech monopolies - Key argument of antitrust cases is consumer welfare, which historically has been measured by low prices. For tech companies where the product is free, this is not an effective metric.
- Standing desks linked to varicose veins, recommended to sit and take walking breaks.
- Bread in SV
- Techniques companies use to get more for the same product - artificial scarcity, shrinking the product, bundles, pain avoidance, target different markets
- Margaritaville - Residents hope not to be bored or alone.
- 100 books of 2018
- Profile of Paul Singer and an opinion piece by him
- Kojo yakei - aesthetic night time tours of factories in Japan
- antique memes
- Get to know yourself
- Ski map artist, Priest interrogator, flop accounts
- Environmentally oriented entrepreneurs - Tim Sweeney, Jason Fried
- Single stream recycling is coming to an end
- Conversational skillz
» Sep 1, 2018
- Antibiotics not becoming ineffective from overuse, but from use of cleaning agents, toothpaste, etc.
- A profile of cruise ship entertainers
- Lego searching for environmentally friendly plastic
- Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod Khosla tries to protect property rights on principle from his purple lair. Also recommends book Lying by Sam Harris
- History of watermelon racist stereotype: it emerged after the Civil War when free black people grew, ate, and sold watermelons, and in doing so made the fruit a symbol of their freedom. Southern whites, threatened by blacks’ newfound freedom, responded by making the fruit a symbol of black people’s perceived uncleanliness, laziness, childishness, and unwanted public presence.
- Market segmentation explained
- Don’t ever offer an Unlimited price tier
- List prices on your website, don’t allow reverse segmenting to happen
- DavidFoster Wallace
- Science of sleep
- Coding zines and interactive explanations
- Why you should throw your children’s art away
- Ticketmaster enabling scalpers to succeed with its TradeDesk platform.
- Effect of a $15 minimum wage in California - no sources cited
» May 1, 2018